www.flexi-cms.com » Overview

Overview of FlexiCMS

FlexiCMS is an integrated, scalable, multi-language, multi-user, multi-platform and extremely flexible content management system for your web site or intranet information system, that gives you the ultimate control over your data.

With FlexiCMS you can publish, edit and manage in real time all the information on your web site from any point in the world where there is Internet access, by using a standard Internet browser.

FlexiCMS offers a wide variety of useful options for the layout and design of the content of your web pages – you can freely format text, upload pictures, create photo galleries and document and file libraries. Moreover you can categorize and activate, disable, hide and backup all the pieces of information you put into the database.

The modular architecture of  FlexiCMS enables you to choose the functionality you need now, and upgrade it later quickly, seamlessly and easily, as the need for new features arises later in the future.

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